Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Just Some Miscellaneous Tidbits

First: Now my youngest daughter, Carys, has a blog. She is 10 years old and such a FUN kid. Her blog reflects her fun personality. I think you'll like it. The link is on the left.

Second: Here are some other blogs that I check often:
Whatever - A mom of 5 who takes fun pictures and tells about her life as a mom. I like her because she doesn't come off as "perfect", just a mom like the rest of us who has good days and bad. I also like to look at how she decorates.
Clover Lane - Another mom of 5. She has a lot of good advice about parenting, and some pretty strong opinions about stuff. Most of the time, I agree with her. She also does a great job of decorating her house and has some good recipes and information.
Joy's Hope - A crafty mom named Julie with three little girls. If you go to her site, be sure to read Joy's story. She is a strong Christian who has done a lot of things through her blog to help people.
Nie Nie Dialogues - The story of a very inspiring girl, Stephanie, who has had a blog for a long time about her family life. In 2008, she was in a plane crash and was burned on over 80% of her body. If you go there, be sure to read some of her archives so you can see how she was before and how she is recovering. One of the best blogs out there in my opinion.
C Jane - Courtney Jane is Stephanie's sister (of Nie Nie). She is a great writer and I like to read her take on things.
The Pioneer Woman - This was the first blog that I got hooked on. She is a funny writer and has no qualms about poking fun at herself. She has great recipes on her site and she recently published a cookbook which my kids gave me for Christmas. All of her recipes that I have tried have tasted great.

Third - Last night on January 5th, I needed to put away my Christmas decorations, but I was too HOT and STICKY to do it. What is wrong with this sentence??

Finally - Tonight is our date night - me and my boyfriend. We go out once a week, which I highly recommend if you have 6 kids and want to keep your relationship fun and healthy.

Hope you all have a great day!


  1. hey mom! its ansley, anderson and giovanni. we are in your room while you are on your date and we are looking at everyones blogs! we thought yours was the sweetest! andersons favorite blog that from your list is clover lane, my favorite is either nienie, whatever or joyshope and giovanni said his favorite was "uuuh". Thanks for being the best mom ever! We love you SOOOOO much! love ans, andy and vuvies

  2. You might be interested (and jealous) to know that my best friend met the Pioneer Woman and Marlboro Man when they were in Little Rock for her book signing a couple months ago. Not only that, but she also made the blog! If you look at the Little Rock post, you'll see a picture of my friend Jill posing with her friend while they were in line. She's wearing a bright yellow cardigan and holding her cookbook. It's her new claim to fame (and apparently mine, too...).
